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OPEN 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM (MST) (Mon-Fri)
TRIM CUBES Permanent Plastic Restoration Kit Our Graphene Trim Cubes are a huge leap forward in the science of restoring and bringing plastics back to life. This product will PERMANENTLY bring back the rich deep color of the plastic while leaving a protective shield that will last for years (yes, we said years). We know, we hate outlandish claims as much as the next person. So much so, that when our test started showing that our new fusion of Ceramic and Graphene was lasting far beyond our wildest expectations (can you say 1,400 washes) the people in marketing- yes, marketing:) said “we can’t say that, nobody will believe it. It could damage the brand.” Everyone kowtowed a bit and said, “Ya you are probably right”. Thus, all our packaging was printed with a far more conservative “250 wash Claim”.